About Us

Essential Instruction’s Mission:

The mission of Essential Instruction is to promote community wellness and public safety while preventing crime and victimization. This mission will be accomplished through education, collaboration and ongoing instruction, all from a practical, lessons learned point of view grounded in biblical principles and application. Emphasis will be on prevention as well as recovery and reintegration.

Services will be offered to:

  • At risk youth and adults,
  • Those committed to facilities or correctional institutions,
  • Community groups,
  • Churches,
  • Civic organizations, and
  • Government entities.

Essential Instruction’s message and activities will include:

  • Sharing with others what was lost through sin and crime and gained through grace and faith.
  • Practical warning for those in danger of being influenced false claims of excitement or power at the expense of others.
  • Teaching communities how to understand and respond to those around them involved in criminal lifestyles.
  • Working with those already in prison for criminal behavior to make the changes necessary inside that will allow them to be productive, healthy citizens outside.
  • Seeking to share first-hand experiences of transformation with those whose responsibility it is to offer rehabilitation to men and women caught in crime, addiction and destructive life patterns.

Essential Instruction’s Activities:

  • Essential Instruction will provide presentations, programs, and instruction to those who are currently incarcerated, have been incarcerated but are now out of prison, and those who are living destructive lifestyles: (1) to transform and reconcile their lives and (2) to learn the tools and disciplines necessary (a) to avoid poor choices and the habits or cycles that lead to crime and victimization in the first place and (b) to live productive peaceful lives in the future.
  • Essential Instruction will provide presentations, programs, and instruction to interested organizations on how to engage, support, and counsel those who are or have been involved in criminal or destructive lifestyles, in order to help foster or solidify life transformation and reconciliation and to avoid repeating destructive choices and the attending consequences.   In addition Essential Instruction will provide instruction to audiences that the principals of reconciliation, forgiveness, and acceptance are principals that are not only essential building blocks to transform individuals involved in criminal activity, but are essential instruction for every person.

Email Ron Gruber: rongruber1958@gmail.com

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